
Implementation of NRRP measures

National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Ministry of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry (Masaf)
National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Italia Domani

NRRP is part of Next Generation EU (NGEU): an economic recovery project for the Member States.

July 2020: NGEU programme
what is NGEU?
■ It is a momentous change in the history of European Union;
■ It is a response to the pandemic and the financial crisis.
Amount of resources: EUR 750 billion


Resources devoted to NRRP

■ The resources allocated to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the largest component of the programme, are raised through the issuance of bonds of the EU, leveraging the increase of the own resources ceiling;
■ The total value is EUR 191.5 billion.
Moreover: Italy integrates the NRRP with a Complementary Fund, endowed with additional resources equal to EUR 30.6 billion.

How is the plan organized?
■ The Plan primarily consists of 6 Missions or Policy Areas which correspond to the 6 pillars of the EU Next Generation Plan.
■ The Missions are divided into Components
■ The Components are structured into Investments and Reforms.
"Do Not Significant Harm": The Plan must respect the DNSH principle, i.e. contribute substantially to the protection of the ecosystem without compromising environmental objectives.


NRRP's Missions

1. Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
2. Green Revolution and ecological transition
3. Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
4. Education and research
5. Inclusion and cohesion
6. Health


Masaf is involved in Mission N. 2: Green Revolution and ecological transition

(Total amount allocated to the mission: EUR 59.46 billion, 31.05% of total NRRP funds)

Within the framework of this mission, the Ministry of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry is responsible for the following measures:
■ Logistics development for the agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, floriculture and tree nursery sectors: EUR 800 million;
■ Agrisolar Park: EUR 1.5 billion;
■ Innovation and mechanization in the agricultural and food sector: EUR 500 million;
■ Investments in agro-irrigation system resilience for better water resource management: EUR 880 million;
■ "Contratti di filiera" (supply chain contracts): EUR 1.2 billion (financed with resources from the NRRP Supplementary Investment Fund).
Total amount of Masaf's resources: EUR 4.88 billion.


Masaf's governance

The Ministry is articulated in several departments.
The departments that are involved in NRRP's missions are the followings:

Department of european and international policies and rural development:
DISR - General Directorate for Rural Development:
DISR 1, Measure of competence: "Irrigation system";
DISR 3, Measure of competence: "Innovation and Mechanization".

Department of competitive policies, agri-food quality, fisheries and equestrian sector:
PQAI - General Directorate for the Promotion of Agri-food Quality and Equestrian Sector:
PQAI 2, Measure of competence: "Agrisolar and Logistics";
PQAI 3, Measure of competence: "Contratti di filiera".


More details on Masaf's measures

Logistics development for the agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, floriculture and nursery sectors
■ to reduce the environmental impact in the agri-food sector and increase the sustainability of products;
■ to improve the storage and processing capacity of raw materials, to preserve the product differentiation in terms of quality, sustainability, traceability and production characteristics;
■ to strengthen, indirectly, the export capacity of Italian agri-food SMEs;
■ to increase digitalization in logistics also for the purpose of product traceability;
■ to reduce food waste.


Agrisolar park
■ to support investments in production facilities of the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sector, in order to install solar panels and to create intelligent flow and storage management systems;
■ to remove and dispose of existing roofs;
■ to create automated ventilation and/or cooling systems.


Innovation and mechanization in the agri-food sector
■ to improve the sustainability of production;
■ to modernize the agricultural park with the introduction of precision agriculture and with the use of agriculture 4.0 technologies in order to reduce emissions from agricultural vehicles, pesticide use and water consumption;
■ to modernize oil mills in order to improve the sustainability of olive oil transformation process, to reduce waste, and to favor the re-utilization.


Investments in agro-irrigation system resilience for better water resource management
■ to increase the efficiency of agro irrigation systems in agriculture by using new technologies and by reducing losses on existing distribution networks;
■ to reduce wastage of irrigation systems in agriculture to preserve the country's water resources;
■ to limit the effects of drought and climate change


"Contratti di filiera"
(This measure is financed by the National Plan for Complementary Investments)
■ to strengthen inter-sectoral relations along the production, processing and marketing chains, through the aggregation of producers;
■ to improve the position of farmers in the value chain;
■ to facilitate the participation of rural operators and help to counter the depopulation of rural areas.



Mission Unit for the Implementation of the NRRP at Masaf:


Useful Links

For more information on NRRP on Masaf's website:

For more information on how NRRP is structured, its functions, its declinations:

For more information on the Mission's Unit (the Directorate-general and its 3 offices):

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